Few things are constant among the Skaven, but their scheming and plotting is one of them. While our Heroes may have foiled Rasknitt, there’s plenty other vermin are eager to hatch their own devious plans. The farsqueaker, a verminous piece of Skryre engineering, allows some of these would-be masterminds to instantly communicate across vast distances with their networks of agents and spies.
Read MoreEvery week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven.
Read MoreEvery week, starting today, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven.
Read MoreOn this auspicious 13th, we launch a brand new FREE game mode and a ton of changes and improvements!
Read MoreStarting today until November 10th, enjoy the Geheimnisnacht event, double XP and nurglings!
Read MoreDesign Director Joakim breaks down the upcoming rework of progression systems and new player experience.
Read MoreFew things are constant among the Skaven, but the act of scheming and plotting is one of them. While our Heroes may have foiled Rasknitt, there’s plenty other vermin are eager to hatch their own devious plans…
Read MoreFew things are constant among the Skaven, but the act of scheming and plotting is one of them. While our Heroes may have foiled Rasknitt, there’s plenty other vermin are eager to hatch their own devious plans…
Read MoreHow the Pactsworn play, what each Special is like and some tips and tricks for Versus!
Read MoreHow Heroes play, what each Career is like and some tips and tricks for Versus!
Read MoreThe Beta will run from August 21 to September 2nd and is open to everyone!
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