Outcast Engineer available now on Xbox
Today we are excited to announce that the new advanced career for Bardin Goreksson, The Outcast Engineer, is available on Xbox. It can be purchased over at the Microsoft Store or in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders.
Similar to the previously released Grail Knight, the Outcast Engineer is available as one package.
Full list of Patch Notes & FAQ can be found at the bottom of this page.
What about PS4?
The Outcast Engineer will arrive on PlayStation 4 on February 16. Keep up to date with any updates or changes on our social media.
The Outcast Engineer is a new career for Bardin Goreksson. It contains the new playable career complete with new abilities, new weapon types, a new talent tree, a whole new Engineer skin, a new helmet, new challenges, and new voice lines.
The Outcast Engineer is available in the Microsoft Store and Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders.

The Outcast Engineer might not be an Engineers Guild graduate, but no less lethal - armed as he is with an array of experimental weaponry. His unmatched use of heavy machinery together with his assorted gadgets makes him a master of utility, blasting down anything, or anyone, in his path.
If you want to find out more about how, and why, Bardin Goreksson ended up as an Outcast Engineer, you can read the full story by clicking here or on the button below to read more.
Holding reload with the Steam-Assisted Crank Gun (MKII) equipped builds Preassure. Each stack of Preassure lasts for 12 seconds and gradually restores the Ability Bar. Stacks up to 5 times.
Unleash the fearsome firepower of Bardin’s custom creation. Shots reduce the Ability Bar. Any accumulated Preassure is lost upon firing.
Outcast Engineer Career
Blast your way through waves of enemies with the grenades from your Utility Belt and the Steam-Assisted Crank Gun (Mk II).
Embrace your heritage with an exclusive character skin & voice lines.
Wield personalized, all-new weapons: Masterwork Pistol and Cog Hammer.
Enhance your bombs through the Outcast Engineers’ unique talent tree.
Show your true vocation through the new exclusive Cosmetics.
With the Outcast Engineer, you receive two Hero Skin Color Variation, two Masterwork Pistol Illusion, two Cog Hammer Illusion from the start, and access to unlockable cosmetics for your Outcast Engineer.
Cosmetics unlockable through Okri’s Challenges:
3 New Masterwork Pistol Illusions
3 New Cog Hammer Illusions
3 New Hero Skin Color Variations
2 New Helmets
3 New Portrait Frames
6 Exclusive Keep Paintings
When purchasing Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Outcast Engineer Career, you will receive 325 Shillings (in-game currency) to spend in the in-game store.
Q: How do I get the Outcast Engineer?
A: The Outcast Engineer is available in the in-game store called Lohner's Emporium of Wonders or can be found on the Microsoft store.
Q: Why can I not select the Outcast Engineer in my Hero Selection screen?
A: The Outcast Engineer is a premium feature and can only be attained by purchasing it.
Q: Can I play the Outcast Engineer directly, or do I need to be a certain level?
A: You can start playing the Outcast Engineer directly after purchase.
Q: Are there challenges in the Outcast Engineer DLC?
A: Yes. There will be challenges available in the Outcast Engineer.
Q: Where can I purchase the Outcast Engineer?
A: You can purchase the Outcast Engineer here or through Lohner's Emporium of Wonders.
Q: Does the Outcast Engineer cosmetics only work for the Outcast Engineer?
A: The helmets, character skins and the weapon illusions are exclusive to the Outcast Engineer.
Q: Can I use the Cog hammer and the Masterwork Pistol on other Bardin careers?
A: The Cog Hammer can be used by any of Bardin's careers, however the Masterwork Pistol can only be used by the Outcast Engineer, Ranger Veteran and Ironbreaker careers.
Q: Can the Outcast Engineer use other weapons?
A: The Outcast Engineer can use all of Bardin Goreksson's weapons other than the Dual Axes, Crossbow and Throwing Axes.
Q: How does the Outcast Engineer special attack work?
A: The Steam Assisted Crank Gun (MK II) is the Outcast Engineer's Career Skill (otherwise known as the 'special', 'ultimate' or 'activated') ability and can be activated by pressing the left button/bumper.
Bardin will subsequently equip a customised Gatling Gun with high rate of fire. It can only be shot if the ability bar is available, and shots will consume the ability bar. It must be spun up briefly before it can be shot and will start to shoot at a steady pace before increasing in momentum. Holding the right mouse button will allow you to keep spinning without shooting. To regain ability bar you must press and hold the reload (otherwise known as 'cranking') button to build pressure. As pressure (visualised as a stacking buff) builds, the ability bar will replenish over time. Bardin will continue to replenish the ability bar as long as stacks of pressure have been built-up, and is able to use other weapons. Firing the Crank Gun will result in it losing all of its built-up pressure.
Patch Notes
Quality of Life
End of Round
Added ability to speed up rewards popup by pressing "B" while the popup is present.
Sped up results screen summary and chest upgrade animations by 3x while holding "A".
Rewards popup now requires "pressed" event instead of "hold" so player would have a chance to react when receiving level reward chests.
Spoils of War
Chest selection is now preserved when going back to item grid, unless there are no more instances of the selected type of chest, then it goes back to usual behavior of selecting first chest in current active page.
Implement automatic blocking when losing control of your character.
While waiting players can now read interesting Lore-Tips that are visible at the bottom of the loading screen.
Animation Changes
New features
All weapons and items have received new Interactive Inspects (except the Grail Knight ones, which already had it).
All weapon and items now have a subtle weapon sway to make them feel less static on the screen.
Misc changes
Bardin's War Pick idle & movement animations tweaked to take up less screen space.
Grudge-Raker, Handgun, Blunderbluss have gotten a minor overhaul in animations.
Repeater Handgun has gotten an animation overhaul. The weapon now also doesn't force you to shoot all 8 shots while holding aim.
Dual Swords & Elven spear's block animation slightly lowered to show the center of the screen.
Some Shield skins now have adjusted block-animations to not block the center of the screen.
Sienna's left hand is now slightly moved so it doesn't block the Conflagration Staff's charged attack area.
Minor animation bugs fixed
Kerillian's Greatsword sometimes animating oddly after attacks now fixed.
Throwing Axe Animation Bug.
Kruber's hands occasionally do not wrap around the Bretonnian longsword.
Fixed an animation bug with the Executioners light-attack chain.
Bardins shield strap positioned incorrectly in 3rd person now fixed.
Athel Yenlui
Fixed a broken boss spawn.
Fixed an out of bounds exploit.
Blood in the Darkness
Fixed a bad respawn point.
Convocation of Decay
End event area now switches environments correctly and resolved issues with event missing sorcerers on the pillars.
Fixed a hole in the map.
Fixed an issue where bots did not path down the hole leading to the 2nd Grimoire location.
Opened up inaccesible area to prevent bosses being unreachable there.
Dark Omens
End event can now be completed if Wargor is killed prior to raising it's banner (added 45s timers to spawn another carrier if a flag has not been raised for flag 2 and 3).
Darkness environment fixed.
Empire in Flames
Fixed a spot where enemies would climb through a wall.
Fixed a spot wherre Sienna could get Out of Bounds.
Added mover blockers to house roofs, improved shape on outer mover blocker, to resolve a location where players could exploit enemy inaction.
Moved location of a ladder a tiny bit so bots don't get stuck.
Enchanter's Lair
Fixed a location where players could get stuck.
Fixed an issue with exposure when using the Flamewave Staff in the catacombs environment.
Fixed darkness & twitch darkness setup.
Fixed players who joined mid-battle being subsequently blocked behind secret door.
Players can no longer use Sienna's firewalk to exploit and kill Nurgloth.
Festering Ground
Fixed a patrol that could cause a crash.
Replaced newly added interactable crate with a non-interactable one.
Tweaked jump over to the first tome (so bots should be able to reach it better now).
Fortunes of War
Fixed an Out of Bounds exploit.
Garden of Morr
Cauldron light should no longer be left visible after destruction.
Fixed a spot where players can get stuck.
Fixed some spots where bots got stuck.
Horn of Magnus
Bosses could become stuck in inaccessible house. Added 2nd layer of default collision to prevent boss from being pushed into building.
Hunger in the Dark
Fixed issues related to colour banding in start area. Environment tweaked, large fog volume at the start scaled down, light sources in start area tweaked.
Into the Nest
Respawn camera moved from inside a rock.
Fixed a hole in map near 3rd Tome.
Fixed an awkward Globadier spawn.
Old Haunts
Fixed an issue where bots could enter a hanging state when navigating a specific narrow pathway.
Fixed an issue where bots may not follow the player down the hole after placing the gargoyle heads.
Fixed an location where occlusion failed.
Sometimes the door would not be broken to the church initiating the escape. This has now been solved.
Righteous Stand
Fixed a spot where enemies could pass through a wall.
Fixed some wonky respawn points.
Fixed network syncing so hotjoined players could use the cannon.
Fixed an issue with AI pathing going awry whilst the canon was in motion.
Screaming Bell
Fixed a location where occlusion failed.
Fixed location where Sienna could get stuck.
Fixed some outlandish bot behaviours, such as them tight-rope walking bell chains and getting stuck in whack places.
Improved navigation on meshes and rebuilt navmesh to improve bot pathing in specific areas.
Fixed an out of bounds issue.
The Pit
Fixed a hole in the map.
Fixed a host crash in the first town area with the 1st grim.
Fixed facespawning boss spawn spot.
The War Camp
Fixed a location where players could get stuck.
Fixed a spot where it was possible to get out of bounds.
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck outside the Arena.
Essence on Weave 27, 67, 107 and 147 was too low to complete without trickle enemies, so we upped it.
Weaves (Life) - Fixed light leaking through speficic walls.
Fixes and Tweaks
A challenge (Iconic Presence) could trigger completion and not be rewarded. This challenge was cut in production and has been stripped from the game now.
Adjusted opacity on Sienna's eye lashes and switched to a double sided shader.
Barrels can now spawn in Deprivation deeds.
Bloodfletcher - Fixed an issue where new behaviour was not represented in the tooltip.
Disabled a debug feature that could be opened by pressing 'Insert'.
Fix for Sword/Dagger's Block loop not looping properly.
Fixed a crash caused by the Billhook.Fixed a crash when a slot item changes while loadout is syncing the same slot type.
Fixed a UI crash.
Fixed a very uncommon softlock if a mission vote was started at the exact same time a player opened the change hero view.
Fixed an issue where subtitle size and background would reset after restart.
Fixed charged sweep generating more overcharge than it should when hitting mix of dead and alive enemies.
Fixed crash when controller gets (de)activated during loading while loading tip is present.
Fixed persistent scrolling audio in the lobby browser.
Fixed recoil jerking camera sideways if recoil is applied while dodging or any other animation that rotates camera.
Fixed skinning issue on Kruber's neck.
Fixed skinning issues on Huntsman face.
Fixed the icons of Power vs Infantry and Power vs Armoured in Weaves being mixed up. (Thanks Fracticality for the heads up.)
Fixed various other, more miscellaneous crashes.
Heleborgs Tutelage - No longer gains multiple stacks when shield/blunderbuss bashing into a horde.
If a ammo-less player replaces a bot that had no ammo, the out of ammo icon won't be removed. This fixes that. Hopefully.
Kruber's (Grail Knight) 'Virtue of Audacity' Talent 2nd hit could be interrupted/cancelled by potion expiry. We now save weapon action speed at the start of the action, so any attack speed changed mid way through would not change attack chain timings.
Made a minor tweak to Sienna's fireball charge animation.
Made bots default to tap attack to prevent crash when they are trying to destroy door barricades.
Swiftbow - Fixed an issue where the crosshair would drift if shooting continuously for an extended time.
The 'shortcut' to Athanor and back to the keep is now activated once you complete part 3 of the WOM tutorial, to avoid breaking the onboarding process.
The Grail Knight careerskill VFX should no longer light up the character after the VFX goes away.
When a player is being revived, the prompt would still appear for additional players attempting the revival. This prompt is now suppressed where a player is already reviving.