Franz Lohner's Chronicle - By The Hammer


An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

You remember how I’ve been saying that old Saltzpyre’s been approaching something of a crossroads of late? Well, no more. Point of fact he’s gone haring over that very same crossroads with a book in one hand, a hammer in the other and a bellowed prayer on his lips. 

Well, as much as Saltzpyre can bellow anything, anyway. Doesn’t exactly have the pipes for a booming proclamation, poor lad.

Anyway, yes. Saltzpyre’s finally made the decision that everyone but him could see coming, and has set aside the Witch Hunter’s stovepipe of ceaseless vigil and replaced it with the shaved bonce and circlet of a Sigmarite Warrior Priest. I don’t know how official it is – ain’t like the church doesn’t have other things on its hands, what with everything that’s going on in the Empire right now – but I don’t suppose that even matters. Being a Warrior Priest – much like being a Witch Hunter – is more a vocation, than a career. Sure, it’s nice having the organisation behind you, but it ain’t exactly mandatory. When it comes to the crunch the right attitude, a big old hammer and unbending zeal are worth more than a scrap of paper signed by the Grand Theogonist (who I’m told can barely read no how).

All that said, I guess Saltzpyre has managed some kind of official sanction, given that armour he’s taken to sporting. I certainly didn’t scrounge that up for him. Makes him look the part, good and proper, it does. Sigmar only knows how he carts it around – he’s not exactly the strongest fellow I’ve ever met. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s faith. Maybe it wasn’t any mortal agency that left the armour at his door, come to that. Stranger things have happened. And it’s not like those flashy battle prayers he’s harnessing could have an effect without divine intervention, is it?

Assuming that everything’s on the up and up, I’m well content with the direction this is taking. Saltzpyre’s a happier soul than he has been for a while – which means he’s being insufferable to the rest of the Five, but that’s hardly new. And having a very visible – and vocal – symbol of Sigmar’s favour around the place is a balm to flagging spirit. Goodness knows, we don’t get a lot of good news around here. Might just give the Pactsworn a moment of pause as well. After all, wars turn on the tiniest of fulcrums sometimes.

If only Saltzpyre weren’t being so insufferable about it all. We’ve all got that one mate, haven’t we? The stopped clock who’s right twice a day out of sheer happenstance, rather than judgement. I’m not saying that Saltzpyre’s quite that bad – well, all right, maybe I am – but since his ascension to the priesthood, there’s a certain smugness about him. Keeps telling folk that he makes no claim to being a herald of Sigmar’s return, which is fair enough. Thing is, he often says it before anyone brings up the topic themselves. Maybe it’s just insecurity. A man trying to fill shoes he reckons are still a few sizes too big. 

Or maybe it’s arrogance. Dearie me, Saltzpyre’s certainly got enough of that. 

I guess time will tell.

Tuva J