By Comet and Hammer


Well, there we go. Our very own Victor Saltzpyre has finally gone and done the bleeding obvious. I mean, bleeding obvious to the rest of us, that is. Our one-eyed Witch Hunter has blindness that goes beyond the lack of an eye, if you take my meaning? 

Anyway, Saltzpyre finally bit the bullet, gripped the bonce-shaving razor and hefted the hammer of a Sigmarite Warrior Priest. Not sure he’s been officially ordained, exactly. Certainly we’ve not had a theogonist around the keep in recent days. Or at all, now I come to think of it. The smell of incense and the tedious sermons are generally a giveaway, and I’m sure that Sienna would have made particular mention of both. So yeah, this probably isn’t official-official, if you’ll forgive me a bit of skaven-talk, but then again what’s the value in a scrap of paper when the world’s ending, eh? In matters monetary, martial and mystical, I’ll always put my faith in steel.

And Saltzpyre’s certainly got a lot of steel to go around. New hammers, flails and fancy-dan suit of plate armour to boot. Not sure where he got them from, either. Has to be above board, don’t it? He’s not exactly the sort to make things fall off a cart, is he? Well, at least I hope so. I don’t need the competition … not that I’m admitting anything if anyone’s asking, you know? 

More than that, he does seem have found more … practical … outlets for his faith than mere remonstration. Golden light, the occasional halo … sparks of the divine when his hammer crashes down onto some luckless Pactsworn. I mean, if it’s a deception, it’s a damn good one, and our Saltspyre ain’t exactly a born liar now, is he? And those kinds of pyrotechnics are easily faked, especially when you’re inclined to categorise all magic as “the fruits of damned heresy!”

No … I’m sure it’s all legit. Even in these dark days, Saltzpyre has plenty of friends, or at least terrified acquaintances, across the Empire - even if the last one we did cross paths with ended up dead under mysterious circumstances. Probably he’s called in a favour or two. I’m thinking maybe that superior of his - the one Bardin wrote to a while back - maybe stepped in and helped out? But it could be anyone with a forge and a hammer, really.

And you know what? Who says it takes a priest to make another priest? The whole point of religion is that there ain’t nothing required other than belief. No, that’s not right - I’m thinking about faith. Shouldn’t confuse that with religion. Gets a body in trouble, that does. But anyway, if a man can decide he’s a king for no better reason than he wears the role well and no one’s able to stop him, then why can’t our Saltzpyre be a Warrior Priest if he wants? Certainly the man has faith to shatter stone, and that’s got to be the foremost qualification.

Love him or tolerate him, he’s the Saltzpyre of old once more: tireless, erudite and determined to see the Empire free of heretics, witches and invaders. Witches especially. You see, that’s one of the things folk forget about Warrior Priests and Witch Hunters - it’s more that hat (or lack thereof) that divides them than vocation. They’re all holy warriors of Sigmar, and they’re not terribly bothered by jurisdictional boundaries. Saltzpyre may be a Warrior Priest now - I say “may” because there’s still that possibility of Tzeentch meddling with our destinies to consider - but he’s still a Witch Hunter at his core. Just has a colder head now, and I reckon Kruber’s likely already pinched his best hats.

As to what made Old Salty finally embrace this path, I can only assume it’s to do with these little jaunts to the Citadel of Eternity. I know Kerillian came back without hearing what she sought, but for my money Saltzpyre got a good old shot of purpose. Though he’d never admit it, his faith was having a bit of a wobble before he latched onto the idea of these pilgrimages - wouldn’t put it past him to have proposed the expeditions less for the greater good, and more to paper over his own insecurities. 

Still, you can’t argue with results. 

But … if I’m going to be honest, I do wonder at the timing of it all. Say that Saltzpyre did hear Sigmar’s voice - and I’m prepared to believe it, in lieu of fetching a thunderbolt, comet or other such divine retribution - it ain’t exactly the first voice anyone’s been hearing around here. Not that I’ve been afflicted myself, but I know our Ubersreik Five have been beset … and then there’s that business with Catrinne. 

Maybe I’m just being a jumpy old man. What I should do is visit a priest, but under the circumstances … ?

Tuva J